What Lies in the Multiverse Game Review

The Multiverse: What Lies is an esoteric Puzzle Platformer, full of the thrill of adventure and chaos.
Utilize the power of the multiverse! Change worlds mid-air, transform obstacles into bridges, walls into tunnels, and enemies in to new allies. Make sure to be cautious when playing when dealing with gravity…Diverse World
Explore stunning pixel art worlds Each with its own unique parallel reality you can dive into whenever you like. Discover towns, temples, harbors, the wilderness and more in your race to discover the mysteries of the Multiverse.Colorful Cast of Characters
A more complex tale
An upbeat, yet emotionally complex story that explores the dark sides of the human condition.
“OK, little one. You’re leaving now. You’ve caused me enough problems already and this whole chaos will not be resolved. …”

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